小松 大 フィドル,ヴィオラ

アイルランド在住の望月えりかとともにブラックバードミュージックを設立、2012年には愛知県長久手市文化の家主催「Irish Days 2012 ~音楽のあるくらし~」をプロデュース、大きな反響を呼ぶ。 13年3月に伊勢神宮外宮まがたま池にて奉納演奏を行う。同年7月アイルランド人ギタリスト、デイヴ・フリンと愛知、東京で共演。 
15年秋、CCE JAPAN主催ケーリーバンドコンペティションにおいて審査委員長個人賞を受賞。 
16年9月、ギタリストの山本哲也と1st アルバム「Years」をリリース。18年、代々木公園で開催された「I Love Ireland Festival」出演。18年9月、Dai Komatsu & Tetsuya Yamamotoの2nd Album「Shadows and Silhouetttes」を、同11月、ギタリストの高橋創とデュオアルバム「NISHIKOKU P.M.2:30」をリリース。 
これまでにPat O’Connor、Eoghan O’Sullivan、Dave Flynn、Cormac Begleyらと共演。 
2019年にはOde Inc.を立ち上げCEOに就任。数多くのイベントの制作を手掛ける。 

English ver.


Dai came across Irish traditional music in 2004 and visited Ireland 2 years later and stayed in county Clare where the traditional music is prosperous. There he studied traditional music from the well-known local fiddle player Pat O’Connor for about 3 months and became frequent visitor of Ireland from that time on. 

  After he came back to Japan, he co-established an organization called Blackbird Music with Care-based Erika Mochizuki and together they had made huge effort to introduce Irish traditional music to Japanese audience. Some of his notable work include producing hugely succeeded ‘Irish Days 2012 -Life with Music-’ which was hosted by House of Culture in Nagakute, Aichi prefecture, performing the dedication music for the world-famous Ise-Shrine in 2013, and winning the judge’s award in Ceili Competition 2015 hosted by CCE Japan. He also performed the biggest stage of St. Patricks day in Tokyo in Yoyogi Park in 2018.

  This year 2019, he established, a company which produces music events and it has produced several outside events in various places. The company also was in charge of some important promotion of Rugby World Cup 2019. 

  Not only active as a producer, Dai is also engaging exceedingly in performing Irish traditional music himself and he has played countless places all over Japan and has performed together with some of the best Irish traditional musicians here such as Pat O’Connor, Eoghan O’Sullivan, Dave Flynn and Cormac Begley. His playing has fascinated many audience with his deep understanding of traditional music with the solid rhythm and flawless control of his instrument which he studied in Aichi University of Arts.


Acoustic Village